The Inn, aka. The Covenanters House, at South Queensferry (Source: Jardine's Book of Martyrs) Posted at Jardine's Book of Martyrs: On 5-7 October, 1680, Lord Fountainhall notes the escape of a woman who helped Donald Cargill flee from near capture at South Queensferry, in Dalmeny parish, Linlithgowshire. ‘Mr. John Wause, keeper of the [Edinburgh] tolbuith, got a severe reprooff from Councell, for suffering one of the weeman to escape the prison, who had assisted Mr. Donald Cargil’s escape at the Queensferrie, in June last’. (Lauder, Historical Notices of Scottish Affairs, 1661-1683, 274 .) Wodrow notes that on 10 June, 1680, ‘one Margaret Wauchop is brought in prisoner from Queensferry, for being accessory to Mr Cargill’s escape.’ (Wodrow, History, III, 207 .) Continue reading here. See also: Ambushed at the Inn: The Queensferry Incident of 1680 (Jardine's Book of Martyrs)
In honor of the brave and noble Scottish Covenanters